No EVAL card – No HV-3 training

High-voltage training should not be a course where a trainer, wearing insulated gloves, waves a few times and then hands out certificates. It is about the safety of employees. Working on electrically powered vehicles with high-voltage systems without sound knowledge of high-voltage systems can be very dangerous. In the worst case, serious or even [...]

By |2023-12-10T20:53:03+01:00June 21st, 2022|Highvoltage|0 Comments

The EVAL Card – not just a global qualification license

The EVALCARD is a global license to work on electric propelled vehicles. The abbreviation EVAL stands for Electric Vehicle Access License. Every Participant from EVAL Cert certified Training Institutes gets an EVAL Card with a QR-Code like in this example above. This QR-Code is linked with the public profile of the evalcard owner. On [...]

By |2022-05-06T12:53:48+02:00May 6th, 2022|Highvoltage|0 Comments


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